Friday, June 29, 2012

How Many Corporations Control Our Food?

(OrganicJar) An exciting new film called Food Inc. is about to inform the world how little we know about the food we eat. I think everyone will be shocked at how few corporations control our food supply and how they have dominated the industry. It’ll make you think twice about the food you eat and how important it is to buy locally.

Modern farming techniques and massive government subsidies have turned corn into an incredibly productive—and incredibly cheap—crop. But those innocent-looking yellow ears are a big reason why the American diet has gotten worse and American waistlines have gotten larger over the past half century.
So where do the corn growers get all of that dough? A lot of it is doled out in the massive $500 billion Farm Bill Congress passes every few years, legislation that greatly influences what goes on our plates and makes it into our grocery stores. Aside from the corn subsidies, find out what else is hidden inside the monster bill. The numbers are scary enough that a Who's Who of Famous Foodies—like Michael Pollan, Dan Imhoff, and Marion Nestle—are all urging the public to contact Congress today and urge them to inject a bit of sanity into the Farm Bill.

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