Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Why Are the Feds Cultivating Their Own "Homegrown Terrorists"?

High profile domestic terrorism plots appear to have increased in recent months, but they’ve been largely concocted.
The FBI caught another homegrown terrorist this week, except like many recent plots the agency has “uncovered,” the attack was a plant, a plan concocted by the FBI itself. It’s the latest in a growing number of terrorism plots that the FBI stirs up by infiltrating communities and helping to devise attack plans. The practice raises serious questions about the government’s implementation of it’s ongoing war on terror.
The recent case involves 21-year-old from Baltimore named Antonio Martinez, who’d reportedly converted to Islam, changed his name to Muhammad Hussain and planned to blow up a bomb outside a military recruitment center in Baltimore. None of the plot, however, existed before the FBI instigated it and Martinez had no contact with any real terrorist organization.
The FBI deployed an informant to pose as an accomplice by adding Martinez as a friend on Facebook and communicate with him through Facebook messages. Martinez reportedly updated his status with comments about his devotion to Jihad. Once the young man had been identified as a target, the FBI informant helped imagine and orchestrate the plot, and supplied Martinez with a fake bomb and a vehicle to transport it. After he attempted to detonate the explosive remotely, the FBI arrested Martinez. If convicted of charges, he could face life in prison.
The case is the second since Thanksgiving and one of many more over the past decade, in which the federal government has deployed informants to “catch” terrorists inside the country. It’s all part of the FBI’s wider practice of targeting American Muslims—largely, according to some reports, Muslim converts as well as American born black Muslims. But far from stopping ongoing plots and interrupting “radicalization,” the FBI is fabricating plans, providing the tools to carry out attacks and inciting suspects to do so.
As U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein told the AFP, “There was no actual danger,” because the people posing as accomplices were FBI employees.
Nonetheless, the FBI claims that Martinez posed a real threat because, according to Richard McFeely, an FBI special agent, the young man was “absolutely committed to carrying out an attack which would have cost lives.”
“The case,” reports the AFP:
bore a striking resemblance to that of a Somali-American arrested in Portland, Oregon, last month after trying to set off what he thought was an explosives-laden van parked near a Christmas tree ceremony.
The device was actually a dummy bomb supplied by undercover FBI agents who had contacted him months before and pretended to be accomplices, and the would-be attacker, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, was charged with “attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.”
The informant program targeting American Muslims is part of a larger and developing FBI policy. As I wrote in October:
An extensive investigation, Anjali Kamat reports that the FBI has repeatedly used secret informants to gather questionable information and even entrap groups of people into supporting acts of terrorism. These informants are often Muslim men found guilty of non-terrorism related crimes and who face deportation or jail time.
In numerous cases, documented at length by the DN investigation, there are serious questions as to whether the tactic is creating crimes out of thin air. In one case, an FBI informant befriended a Muslim business owner. When that business started failing, the informant, who was himself facing deportation, offered the other man a loan that was allegedly laundered for weapons buying. The exchange led to terrorism convictions.
Karen Greenberg of the NYU Center for Law and Security explains, “the conviction rate for cases that involve informants is almost 100 percent.” But according to James Wedick, a former FBI agent, “90 percent of the cases that you see that have occurred in the last 10 years are garbage.”

Wedick also says that economic strains are often the way that informants entrap others. In Newburgh, NY, an FBI informant allegedly entrapped four black Muslim men from a poor neighborhood, pushing them to participate in an attempted attack on a synagogue in the area
High profile domestic terrorism plots appear to have increased in recent months, but they’ve been largely concocted. As the 10th anniversary of September 11th approaches, the government appears to be one of the key players in the maintenance of a believable terrorist threat.
Amna Akbar, fellow at the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice of New York University School of Law, says, “What’s really interesting is that there’s been a significant increase in high profile so-called homegrown terrorism cases recently where the the actual threat is constructed by the government. There does not seem to be very much actual threat to justify the ongoing ‘war on terror’ and there are serious questions about why the government is going to such lengths in these cases.”

Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid

A new survey of American voters shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources.
December 15, 2010  |  
Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.

So the more you watch, the less you know. Or to be precise, the more you think you know that is actually false. This study corroborates a previous PIPA study that focused on the Iraq war with similar results. And there was an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that demonstrated the break with reality on the part of Fox viewers with regard to health care. The body of evidence that Fox News is nothing but a propaganda machine dedicated to lies is growing by the day.
In eight of the nine questions below, Fox News placed first in the percentage of those who were misinformed (they placed second in the question on TARP). That’s a pretty high batting average for journalistic fraud. Here is a list of what Fox News viewers believe that just aint so:
  • 91 percent believe the stimulus legislation lost jobs
  • 72 percent believe the health reform law will increase the deficit
  • 72 percent believe the economy is getting worse
  • 60 percent believe climate change is not occurring
  • 49 percent believe income taxes have gone up
  • 63 percent believe the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts
  • 56 percent believe Obama initiated the GM/Chrysler bailout
  • 38 percent believe that most Republicans opposed TARP
  • 63 percent believe Obama was not born in the U.S. (or that it is unclear)
The conclusion is inescapable. Fox News is deliberately misinforming its viewers and it is doing so for a reason. Every issue above is one in which the Republican Party had a vested interest. The GOP benefited from the ignorance that Fox News helped to proliferate. The results were apparent in the election last month as voters based their decisions on demonstrably false information fed to them by Fox News.
By the way, the rest of the media was not blameless. CNN and the broadcast network news operations fared only slightly better in many cases. Even MSNBC, which had the best record of accurately informing viewers, has a ways to go before it can brag about it.
The conclusions in this study need to be disseminated as broadly as possible. Fox’s competitors need to report these results and produce ad campaigns featuring them. Newspapers and magazines need to publish the study across the country. This is big news and it is critical that the nation be advised that a major news enterprise is poisoning their minds.
This is not an isolated review of Fox’s performance. It has been corroborated time and time again. The fact that Fox News is so blatantly dishonest, and the effects of that dishonesty have become ingrained in an electorate that has been been purposefully deceived, needs to be made known to every American. Our democracy cannot function if voters are making choices based on lies. We have the evidence that Fox is tilting the scales and we must now make certain its corporate owners do not get away with it.

The American Empire Is Collapsing, And Americans Will Be The Last to Know

The American Empire Is Collapsing, And Americans Will Be The Last to Know

50 years from now historians may write about the fall of empire. But history is writing itself furiously right now, accelerated by the revolution of global freedom of information.
50 years from now historians will probably be writing about the fall of the American empire. But history is writing itself furiously in the present, accelerated by the revolution of global freedom of information. What would have taken years to gather is accessible to anyone with a few strokes on a computer keyboard. So never mind the historians of the future, and lets  see how  reality is shaping up today.
The crumbling period of the United States empire started on September 11th. Since then, a chain of events so dire occurred that it would seem the empire defeated itself by a series of catastrophic mistakes. After 9/11,  Americans wanted revenge, and the war in Afghanistan became a very easy sale for the Bush administration. But then the neo-cons seized the opportunity to push their agenda  of the New American Century project, and it was precisely the Achille’s heel of the empire.

When the Bush administration attacked Iraq in 2003, a critical element escaped their understanding of the regional and demographic parameters: By toppling the Sunni regime of Saddam Hussein, they would give the upper hand to the oppressed Shia Iraqi majority allied with Iran.
In a word, the US troops who fought and died in the conflict did it ultimately for the regional benefit of the Iranian Islamic Republic. The blunders did not stop with geopolitics, but were compounded by a catastrophic financial burden.

 The Cost Of Wars in Iraq And Afghanistan Is Bankrupting The US Economy
If the Pentagon was a corporation, it would be the largest in the world. The curiously called Department Of Defense has cost the  American taxpayers, since the ill advised attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, around $700 billion a year. Of course, if you add up health care for wounded veterans, and  layers of new “security” administration such as the Department of Homeland Security,   the numbers keep adding up to top $1 trillion a year. Overall more than 25 percent of the federal budget gets swallowed in the financial black hole that is the Pentagon.
If Americans could do the math, they would quickly understand that the bill for the two wars is now creeping up to $10 trillion. In order to achieve the chimeric goals of the neocons of an ever lasting global American empire money had to be borrowed. Currently, for every dollar spent by the federal government 40 cents is borrowed. America used to borrow mainly from Japan and Europe, but now does its main borrowing from China. In a striking reversal of fortune, the “poor man of Asia” has now become the country in the world with the most liquid assets.

Empires Always Have An Expiration Date
Americans have a delusional  sense of historic exceptionalism which they share with most previous empires. After all America’s ascension to a leading role on the world scene is very recent. The deal was sealed in Yalta in 1945 between Stalin and Roosevelt, with Churchill present but already taking the back seat. In a matter of 5 years, and about 60 million deaths, two new empires had emerged from the ruin of three: the United States and the Soviet Union. On the losing side of history was, of course, Japan, the empire of the sun, but also Britain and France.
The old imperial powers of Britain and France were slow to fully understand the nature of the new game. It took the loss of India for the United Kingdom, in 1948,  and the one of Indochina for France in 1951 to make them understand that they would have from now on an ever shrinking role on the world stage. However, it took 9 years for Britain and France to fully digest the consequences of Yalta. In 1956, France and Britain took their very last joint imperialist venture by attacking Egypt over the ownership of the Suez Canal. The decaying empires were told to back off by the United States and the USSR.

The Cold War was a fairly predictable era. Beside a few flashpoints such as the Cuba missile crisis, the two superpowers fought to augment their respective turfs through proxy wars. But Afghanistan came along for the Soviets, and the long war made the USSR collapsed. Naturally the United States started acting as the only super-power left, and for this reason as the master of the universe.
The narrative of Ronald Reagan is peppered by such elements, and so is the one of all of his successors including Barack Obama. But all empires had the same  distorted visions of themselves, the Romans imposed the Pax Romana on their vassals for a long time , so did Charlemagne, and Napoleon for a much shorter time. In any sense, power is cyclical and never lasts.

Thanks to WikiLeaks and the courage of his founder Julian Assange and the one of  Pentagon’s whistleblower Bradley Manning, it has become rather obvious that while President Obama has changed the official tone of Washington from the Bush administration, the overall goals of US foreign policies have remained  the same: Ensure and expend  US power and authority on vassal states. This push to establish a new world order under exclusive US authority has been prevalent in all of the US administrations since Ronald Reagan and the end of the cold war.
President Obama, despite what could be his personal convictions is a prisoner of this imperial system. Obama is trapped by a complex nexus of inter-locking institutions such as the Pentagon, the CIA, the State Department etc, and by powerful interest groups profiting from endless wars. The very same institutions and interest groups have been at the core of every post-1945 imperial presidency. As early as 1946, president Harry Truman said: “From Darius’ Persia, Alexander’s Greece, Hadrian’s Rome, Victoria’s Britain; no nation or group of nations has had our responsibilities.”
However, most analysts and foreign policy experts currently assume that the present century will not be American. In this tectonic  power shift, under the push of China and India, the emerging new world order will be plural and decentralized. But the main question is: How Americans will adapt to this new paradigm where the United States loses its status of uncontested leadership?

Sunday, November 28, 2010


 Omdimar, una Asociación Internacional de Oasis y dispensarios marinos, lamenta profundamente las muertes por la Epidemia por Cólera desatada en Haiti y en concreto entre los damnificados del terremoto que asolo Haiti y que se está extendiendo por la capital y otras localidades ocasionando decenas de muertos.
Esta organización conoce los trabajos de Rene Quinton en profundidad y como el agua de mar tiene propiedades inmensas en la salud de las personas, como así lo demuestran los dispensarios marinos abiertos en Colombia y Honduras y cómo tomando directamente tres vasos diarios de agua de mar, desaparece la desnutrición y otras enfermedades.
El cólera según sus responsables, es una infección intestinal aguda, grave, que se presenta con evacuaciones diarreicas abundantes, con vómitos y deshidratación que puede llevar al enfermo a acidosis y colapso circulatorio en el término de 24 horas y en los casos no tratados puede llevar a la muerte como está ocurriendo en Haití. La pérdida de agua por heces puede llegar a ser de más de 15 litros por día, ocasionando una deshidratación muy severa que puede matar al enfermo por choque hipovolémico y desequilibrio electrolítico y ácido base.
Estas diarreas llegan a desmineralizar al organismo. Por eso una aportación muy importante es el AGUA DE MAR que contiene todos los minerales y oligoelementos de la tabla periódica de Mendeliev, que pasaría a reponer esa pérdida de minerales y a alcalinizar el medio acidificado al ser el AGUA DEL MAR un elemento puramente orgánico y alcalino con un ph. 8.4. (Donde hay oxígeno y alcalinidad no puede haber ninguna clase de enfermedad ni cáncer. Otto Warburg premio Nóbel por la respiración celular 1931).
Al mismo tiempo y según Omdimar, por vía intravenosa el agua de mar supone una transfusión de “sangre” ya que el agua del mar tiene las mismas propiedades que la sangre de los vertebrados superiores. (René Quinton 1897). Así también lo dejó demostrado en los heridos de la primera guerra mundial (1814) transfundiéndoles agua de mar hipertónica cuando se terminó el suero fisiológico y el suero sanguíneo en plena batalla o la realizada a varios perros en el año 2003 en la Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife).
“El agua del mar no solo aporta los minerales que se pierden con las diarreas, sino que también es un alimento celular por medio de sus nutrientes que dan la fuerza biológica a la célula para que se oponga a toda clase de enfermedades, no solo al cólera”, Pedro Pozas Terrados, portavoz de prensa de Omdimar.
Según Paco García-Donas su Presidente, una forma de empezar inmediatamente a utilizar el agua de mar en Ahití es la instalación de depósitos de diez mil litros de agua de mar en decantación en lugares estratégicos de la ciudad y hospitales, para ser utilizada por los voluntarios tanto religiosos (focolares, camelistas, caritas,etc.) como civiles, militares y autoridades sanitarias oficiales.
Ya en el verano de 1912 René Quinton erradicó la epidemia de cólera que asolaba a El Cairo solo con inyecciones de agua de mar.
El agua de mar, según Pedro Pozas, es gratuita, no se tiene que traer de ningún lado y se puede recoger directamente de la costa sin costos.
Pozas pide que se lo hagan saber a las Autoridades de Haiti y a las ONG que operan allí. Lo han intentado en varios organismos y Organizaciones, sin respuesta. Ya no solo para evitar que se extienda el Cólera y pararlo, sino también por la desnutrición existente ante la falta de alimentos y otras enfermedades.
Asociación OMDIMAR
Oasis Marinos y Dispensarios

Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?

The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shock warning about its safety.
Wolfgang Wodarg
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is a politician and a specialist in lungs, hygiene and environmental medicine. He is the chairman of the health committee in the German parliament and European Council.
Lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg has said that there are many risks associated with the vaccine for the H1N1 virus.
He has grave reservations about the firm Novartis who are developing the vaccine and testing it in Germany. The vaccination is injected “with a very hot needle”, Wodarg said.
The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals and "we do not know if there could be an allergic reaction".
But more importantly, some people fear that the risk of cancer could be increased by injecting the cells.
The vaccine - as Johannes Löwer, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, has pointed out - can also cause worse side effects than the actual swine flu virus.
Wodrag also described people’s fear of the pandemic as an "orchestration": “It is great business for the pharmaceutical industry,” he told the ‘Neuen Presse’.
Swine flu is not very different from normal flu. “On the contrary if you look at the number of cases it is nothing compared to a normal flu outbreak,” he added.
The chairman of the health committee in the European Council has urged for a careful and calm reaction to the virus.
Up until now, the producers of the vaccine did not know how many orders they would have by the autumn, but the German Government is now a guaranteed customer.
Even the pharmaceutical companies are trying to exploit the fear of the swine flu pandemic.
Related news
The WHO has issued a grim warning that the swine flu pandemic will explode in the coming months.

"We Are at War": How Militias, Racists and Anti-Semites Found a Home in the Tea Party | | AlterNet

"We Are at War": How Militias, Racists and Anti-Semites Found a Home in the Tea Party

In places like rural Montana, the Tea Party is working hand-in-glove with Patriot movement radicals -- including some with close ties to white supremacists and armed militias.
Photo Credit: A.M. Stan
Research support for this article was provided by The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute.

Maybe it's the gun-making kits that are being raffled off as door prizes. Or maybe it's the fact that nearly everyone inside this hall at the Ravalli County Fairground is packing heat. But most of all, it's the copy of Mein Kampf sitting there on the book table, with its black-and-white swastika, sandwiched between a survivalist how-to book on food storage and a copy of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

It is obvious: This is not your ordinary Tea Party gathering.

Mind you, they don't explicitly call themselves Tea Partiers. Their official name is Celebrating Conservatism. But their mission statement is classic Tea Party -- "to restore our country, counties, and cities back to the Republic and the Constitution of the United States" -- and Celebrating Conservatism is listed as a member of the national Tea Party Patriots organization. Everyone in Hamilton, Montana -- the whole of Montana's Bitterroot Valley, for that matter -- knows them as the Tea Party's main presence in town. Once a month or so, the group holds a potluck dinner at the county fairgrounds that typically attracts a couple hundred people, which in a place like the Bitterroot is a sizeable presence.

This night -- a September 14, 2010, potluck in the oversized metal shed that is the fairground's main hall -- is special because there is a high-profile guest: Larry Pratt, leader of Gun Owners of America.

Pratt, like a lot of Celebrating Conservatism's speakers, has a long history with the far right. He is considered a godfather of the militia movement, a network of conspiracy-minded, armed paramilitary groups that exploded in the 1990s. Pratt addressed a pivotal three-day meeting of neo-Nazis and Christian Identity adherents in Estes Park, Colorado, in October 1992, convened in the wake of a shoot-out by federal agents in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, that had sent shock waves through the extreme right. That gathering is widely credited with birthing the movement's strategy of organizing citizen militias as a form of "leaderless resistance" to a looming "New World Order." Joining Pratt on the stage at Estes Park were Aryan Nations leaders Richard Butler and Louis Beam. (A few years later, Pratt became co-chair of Patrick Buchanan's 1996 GOP presidential campaign, but was dismissed once these Neo-Nazi ties surfaced in the national press.)

Pratt is hardly the only controversial figure to address the group. In May 2010, at its convention on the University of Montana's Missoula campus, Celebrating Conservatism hosted tax protester Red Beckman, notorious for his open anti-Semitism and the author of a 1984 book that argues the Holocaust was a judgment upon Jews for worshiping Satan. At a Hamilton gathering in July 2009, a onetime Arizona sheriff named Richard Mack addressed the crowd; he'd made a career in the 1990s out of organizing militias and speaking on the national circuit of the anti-government Patriot movement. Mack's longtime Patriot movement confederate, Jack McLamb, spoke at the group's Hamilton gathering the following month. McLamb, a former police officer, recruits "soldier and lawmen" to the Patriot cause through a group called Police & Military Against a New World Order.

Those events served notice that Celebrating Conservatism had embraced the Patriot movement cause.

Celebrating Conservatism formed in December 2008 in reaction to the presidential election and slowly gained members that spring by associating itself with a variety of Tea Party events in Bitterroot. But locals only took real notice in September 2009, when the group held a gun rights rally in downtown Hamilton at which participants brandished firearms. Organizers followed up with a Celebration of Right to Bear Arms in March 2010, which featured a march of several hundred people along Hamilton's main drag. Anyone driving through town that day was greeted by a gauntlet of people packing weapons ranging from muzzle-loading muskets to a high-powered sniper-style .308 caliber rifle.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Roundtable Discussion on Yellow Fever

Margaret HumphreysHumphreys: I first trained in history of science and got a PhD in that and studied yellow fever in the American south for my PhD work. Then I went to medical school and I'm not sure we heard about yellow fever at all in medical school.
John Pierce
On September 13, 2005, the one hundred and fifty-fifth birthday of Walter Reed, three medical doctors, all experts on aspects of yellow fever, discussed the history, science and future of the disease with American Experience Online. Dr. Margaret Humphreys teaches both history and medicine at Duke University and is the author of Yellow Fever and the South, 1992. Dr. Thomas Monath conducts research on infectious diseases and is the author of numerous scientific papers and books on the topic; he has served on World Health Organization (WHO) committees and was awarded the Walter Reed Medal from the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Dr. John R. Pierce, now with the Veteran's Administration health care system, is the author, with Jim Writer, of Yellow Jack: How Yellow Fever Ravaged America and Walter Reed Discovered Its Deadly Secrets, 2005, and is the historian of the Walter Reed Society.
Among the topics covered are:
  1. A description of the disease and an outbreak
  2. How historical events contributed to the rise and fall of yellow fever
  3. The mosquito species that transmits the disease
  4. Research on treatments and a vaccine
  5. Yellow fever as a biological weapon
  6. The science of the virus' life cycle
  7. The search for an end to yellow fever
  8. Jesse Lazear's self-experimentation
  9. Walter Reed's reputation
  10. The yellow fever vaccine
  11. The possibility of a return of yellow fever
  12. Are institutions prepared to deal with pandemics today

Pierce: I spent 30 years in active duty in the army as a physician, about half that time, 15 years, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and during that time I was interested in the history of Walter Reed, the hospital and the person. And you can't be interested in the history of Walter Reed the person without being interested in yellow fever.
Thomas MonathMonath: I'm a physician and I spent about 26 years in uniformed service also, much of it in the public health service. And I went in 1969 to Nigeria as a public health service officer to work on yellow fever, there was a big epidemic at that time, and I spent the rest of my career working in the laboratory at the CDC and then the army at Fort Detrick on yellow fever and other hemorrhagic fevers, and I did a lot of field investigations of outbreaks as well as laboratory research.

Descriptions of the disease, and an outbreak
Monath: All the outbreaks that I experienced were in remote, rural areas of Africa, and a couple in South America. The thing I'd like to relate is that this disease, as it did in the times that I'm sure Dr. Humphreys and Dr. Pierce will allude to, created huge fear in the population at the time. All the schools were closed. There were makeshift hospitals. People were getting rudimentary care. The graveyards around the villages and town affected were filled up with fresh graves. Newspapers were filled with stories. People coming from elsewhere just driving through the area would roll their windows up -- in the tropics -- and drive straight through. There was a complete disruption of society; I'm talking about the last outbreak I worked in Nigeria in 1987, so we're talking about current events. This disease still occurs in epidemic form, particularly in Africa.
Pierce: It's a viral hemorrhagic fever and it attacks the liver and destroys the clotting mechanism and the people usually end up with what's called black vomit, toward the end of their life, and actually they're bleeding into their stomach. And the black vomit is just the blood that comes up from that. And they probably die from an overwhelming shock type syndrome.
Monath: People turn yellow because their liver stops functioning, they have bleeding, they go into shock, and they often go into coma towards the end and remember that the fatality rate, particularly among hospitalized people, people that come to medical attention can be as high as fifty percent. So this is a devastating, very rapidly fulminating fatal illness.
Pierce: Even now over a hundred years since the etiology of the spread of yellow fever was determined medical science still has difficulty treating the disease; there really is no cure for it and you end up treating the symptoms which, by the time people get to you sometimes, they're so far advance that you really can't bring them back.
Humphreys: Just one point about the mortality. If you look in the textbooks you'll see numbers of 10 to 20% mortality, but that includes all the light cases. And people, particularly in the 19th century, didn't see those people who were slightly ill, so the perception was that half the people who got it died. And it hit very rapidly.
There's a scene in a movie with Bette Davis, I think, where there's a man at the bar and he just crumples to the ground -- there's a yellow fever epidemic on and everybody backs away in horror, they know he's been struck down. So the panic component of it -- a quite reasonable panic -- was one of the major features of this disease in the 19th century. Even though tuberculosis, say, killed a lot more people, yellow fever is what caused the panic.

American history and yellow fever
Humphreys: The main factor in yellow fever's spread in the nineteenth century has to do with shipping and commerce from the tropics. Cuba was a major source of it; you could ask where did it come from to Cuba, but in the United States, ships that came from Cuba, ships that came from Veracruz, or further south, Latin American ports, brought the fever in.
In Civil War and Reconstruction, there was much less yellow fever. There's a hiatus because of the federal blockade of the south, and the rigid control, particularly of New Orleans by Union troops from 1862. Yellow fever doesn't reemerge as a major problem in the South until the 1870s. So it's directly tied to trade and in the 1870s, the big epidemic of 1878 was directly tied to the resurgence of the railroad lines in the south, rebuilt after Sherman and his colleagues destroyed them, just in time for yellow fever to travel out of New Orleans as far north as Ohio, on boats and trains.
Monath: There really are two critical elements, one: the virus has to be introduced, as Dr. Humphreys said, the true endemic areas in tropical South America were the source and then it moved in on vessels to the United States, but the other critical element was simple sanitation. The transmission depends on a mosquito that breeds in close association with people, and man-made containers containing water. And so in the nineteenth century we had the situation where there was opportunity for the introduction of the virus, but then, because of just the low level of sanitation, an the exposure of people to mosquitoes that were breeding in close association around houses that allowed the spread of the virus in a city or town. So those are the two critical things, and of course both have changed over time, with respect to our means of transportation and also the level of sanitation that would allow epidemic spread in the United States.
Humphreys: The last major outbreak in the United States was in 1905 and I don't think we know a hundred percent why it disappeared. I think the main factor was the fact of the American military presence in Cuba and the very strong campaign against yellow fever that controlled the disease there. It's the control of yellow fever in the sources that is probably the major factor in controlling yellow fever in the United States. I mean nobody would say that New Orleans was all that clean in 1920 but the lack of importation I think was probably the major factor and it relates to what happened in those other places. Of course it's still there in Latin America. Dr. Monath could probably speak to that, but it's isolated in remote tropical jungle areas.
Monath: I would completely agree with Dr. Humphreys -- key centers in Latin American ports were the exit strategy for the virus. And there was an effort after Walter Reed to apply some rudimentary approaches to mosquito control and it focused on these key centers.

Aedes aegypti: the mosquito
Monath: An interesting question we may come to is... well, there have been very interesting stories around the mosquito that carries yellow fever and attempts to control it and the failure to control it and what are the chances today, that yellow fever could be reintroduced in the United States because the mosquito is still here.
Humphreys: There is the presence, at least in Durham, North Carolina of a new "aedes." The aedes species [of mosquito] is the species that carries yellow fever, at least in the United States and the western hemisphere. And we now have the pleasure of the company of Aedes albopictus which is a Japanese aedes species that has been imported here, the so-called "Japanese Tiger Mosquito." And for a talk I gave several years ago, I sat on my front porch and captured eight of them easily to put in a peanut butter jar full of alcohol. So we've got the mosquito that can transmit it, it's a question of reintroduction.
Pierce: Do we know if that particular species can transmit yellow fever?
Monath: This was a great concern when this mosquito appeared in the [nineteen] eighties in the U.S. and spread rapidly. It is not a very efficient vector for the virus though. There have been a number of experiment studies but that does not at all exclude the possibility that it could play a role in transmission. Aedis aegypti is a much better vector, but the habits of the tiger mosquito are such that it could play an important role bridging the virus out of the jungle environment in South America to the urban cycle. So there are still a lot of unknowns, but it's an interesting sidelight to the history.

A cure? And the vaccine
Pierce: [Yellow fever] is such a rare occurrence, in fact, has not occurred in the United States in over a hundred years -- except for a few people who traveled to South America and brought it back with them and fortunately there were no secondary cases -- that nobody's particularly interested in looking at [a cure]. It's not common enough to grab somebody's attention, to try to assess that problem. There has been a very effective vaccine for sixty years now, I guess and that is used widely and it does prevent the disease. Of course, you have to get the vaccine. The last gentleman that died in the United States went on a fishing trip to South America with his friends and several of his friends got the vaccine and he did not and unfortunately he contracted yellow fever from a mosquito bite and actually died from it.
Humphreys: I think it's worth pointing out, too, that's it's much harder to kill a virus that it is to kill bacteria. We don't have very many anti-viral drugs at all. There's a few, but -
Pierce: We can't kill the common cold, can we?
Humphreys: Exactly. We can't kill the common cold. Think of all the money that's poured into controlling the AIDS virus and they've got it controlled, but not dead. The drug companies don't spend much time worrying about malariabecause of the lack of an American market with American insurance to pay for it; yellow fever even more so.
Monath: One thing to say is that, as Dr. Pierce pointed out, the availability of this vaccine has really been a tremendous component to control of this disease. However, if this virus were to come back to the United States, the supply of yellow fever vaccine in the United States would not cover half of a moderate sized city.
There are a number of different ways to go about controlling an outbreak, mosquito control and so on. But I can assure you that if that were to occur, or in a setting where yellow fever were epidemic a treatment would be a very nice thing to have. And there are a number of promising drugs but as was pointed out, there's no financial incentive for a drug company to complete that very expensive development of these compounds. There are some very closely related viruses to yellow fever where there is more of an incentive to develop a drug, and it's likely that a drug would work also against yellow fever virus, but I think it's correct that it's very unlikely that we'd have a treatment, even though it's feasible, that we'd have a treatment because of all those obstacles.

Yellow fever as biological weapon
Pierce: There's been some speculation that yellow fever could possibly be used as a biologic warfare agent. Just wondered what Dr. Monath thought about that. Seems pretty far fetched to me.
Monath: We weaponized yellow fever in the United States.
The idea was to actually grow large numbers of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which was accomplished at Pine Bluff Arsenal, and to infect those mosquitoes with yellow fever -- a challenging point -- and then to release that. I think the point was that, whoever was the unfortunate recipient of this weapon would constitute the amplification cycle itself. Because, in an appropriate place you just need to start something, that all the elements, vector, host and so on were there, so that was the premise.
Now this was never used, fortunately, but like many other areas in biological warfare, it's nasty to talk about, but this actually was an intention of the United States government back in the Second World War time frame.
Pierce: How would you go about giving the yellow fever to large numbers of mosquitoes?
Monath: That's a very good point because presumably they were going to infect non-human primates and feed Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, you know, large numbers of them but all the technical bugs, no pun intended, weren't worked out at that point.
Pierce: The idea though, the government has looked at it, albeit years and years ago, the idea of being able to do that today, probably the same technical difficulties would be there.
Monath: Absolutely. There's actually a publication on this, maybe a couple publications on this effort by the United States government, but it's not widely known.
Humphreys: One of the points that Dr. Monath just made is that if you're going to grow yellow fever, you have to have primate species or higher, if you will. You can't grow yellow fever in guinea pigs, or mice, or frogs, or some other species that's easy to accumulate in the lab. And primates aren't cheap and they're not widely available in the United States unless they're people. So it does make it harder to do this, which I suppose is fortunate. But it was an obstacle in yellow fever research all through the twentieth century: finding an animal model to study the disease in.
Monath: But you're right. Fortunately this never got beyond the research stage.
[Laughs of relief]

The incubation of yellow fever
Monath: The virus has to be ingested by the mosquito in a blood meal, on feeding, and then is replicated in the tissues of the mosquito and has to make its way to the salivary gland and then be secreted in saliva for transmission. The mosquito, in the meantime, is not induced to feed until some days later. That extrinsic incubation period is temperature dependent, but seven to ten days or so.
There are a number of important things that are happening in the mosquito. One is that the ovary of the mosquito, or the ova ducts, become infected and therefore the female mosquito is able to pass the virus in the egg to subsequent generations, which is critical to maintenance of the virus in nature. So there are two things happening, an ability to transmit by bite but also "vertically" through the egg.
Some of these mosquito borne viruses adversely affect the mosquito in subtle ways; I'm not aware that yellow fever virus does that to the yellow fever vector. So there doesn't seem to be a disadvantage to the vector but obviously the vector is playing a critical role in the maintenance of the [virus].

The search for an end to yellow fever
Pierce: We had an occupying army in Cuba, and we had soldiers who were coming down and dying from yellow fever and so it was a political issue as well as just a health concern for everybody. General Sternberg who was the Army Surgeon General at the time, spent at least 25 years of his life studying yellow fever and he was very interested, not only to protect the troops, but he was scientifically curious about the cause [of the disease] and trying to get an answer to that question is the reason he sent Walter Reed down there.
Humphreys: In the early 1880s, the bacteriological revolution in medicine just burst onto the medical science scene, and very rapidly physicians found the germs for tuberculosis and meningitis and pneumonia and everyone was sure there was a yellow fever germ. And it got "discovered" over and over again in those two decades. Sternberg was one of the people who was a great debunker of those yellow fever germs and it really got to be a race to find it. Two researchers in the Marine Hospital Service (which would become the Public Health Service ) thought they had a handle on it and the army doctors, Walter Reed and his colleagues ,were sort of in competition with them. And Reed won.
But there was this great sense of a race, both for national pride (there were scientists in other countries who had their favored yellow fever germ) and even institutional pride within the Federal agencies to find the answer to this puzzle. And of course, they didn't know yet, about viruses. They knew about bacteria and you can see bacteria under the microscope, you can culture them, a lot of the other diseases the bacteria grew in laboratory animals like guinea pigs and rats. Whereas a virus you can't see under a regular microscope; they didn't even have a concept of an agent of disease that was that small until after 1900. And it proved to be particularly difficult to grow in lab animals, so it was a big race, both to find the organism, and then find how it spread, and of course Reed's group mainly found out how it spread.

Jesse Lazear and self-experimentation
Pierce:I think that self-experimentation was much more common years ago than it is today. Dr. Lazear was a member of the yellow fever board. He was a civilian physician who was given a contract appointment in the army to go toCuba and study infectious diseases. He had done some work with malaria and he was in his early thirties and trying to make a reputation for himself. He was interested in mosquitoes, had already collected mosquitoes before Walter Reedgot there, and was very interested in them and was kind of disappointed when Reed got there, they originally started to try to find the germ. Spent about a month doing that and without success (which they didn't think they would have) and then they sort of turned toward the mosquito.
He was given the responsibility since he had some experience, of raising the mosquitoes that they got, mosquito eggs from Dr. Carlos Finlay, and over the course of time, he would raise the mosquitoes and actually did some experiments having them bite yellow fever patients in the hospital -- that was called "loading" the mosquito -- and having the mosquito incubate for a period, usually for a few days, and then bite a volunteer. He had actually had about nine volunteers bitten by mosquitoes, including himself, without any success.
And then he was a little discouraged by that but he continued the work and one of the other doctors, James Carroll, agreed to have a mosquito who was becoming weak and needed to have a blood meal bite him. The mosquito bit Dr. Carroll and a few days later, he became symptomatic and then it became pretty evident that he had yellow fever. Now he was not a really solid scientific case because he had not been isolated, quarantined away from mosquitoes or other people and could have picked up yellow fever some place else.
After Dr. Carroll got sick, Dr. Lazear went to the Army hospital and sought out a volunteer, a soldier who had been in the Army hospital for several months with apparently a relatively minor illness, there had been no yellow fever at the Army compound. This soldier whose name was Dean volunteered, he was bitten by the same mosquito that bit Dr. Carroll and he became sick with yellow fever and it was really the first, solid scientific case of mosquito transmission.
Walter Reed was not in Cuba at that time. And I think he certainly found out about Carroll's illness and probably found out about Dean's being bitten. Now Dr. Lazear was not a career army doctor and had only been in the army a few months as a contract physician, and Carroll was at that point sick.
The commander of the military post where the hospital was didn't even know about it so I'm sure that Reed didn't want Lazear sticking his neck out. Carroll was still sick -- the question was [whether] he might die -- and so my guess is that Reed communicated with Lazear in some way and said stop doing these experiments.
There is a notebook that came from the yellow fever board where on the 13th of September, 1900, Lazear wrote a note that said "guinea pig number 1" and then talked about doing an experiment with having a mosquito bite --several mosquitoes actually -- bite guinea pig number 1. Well the 13th is the date that Lazear, when he became ill on the 18th, told people that he was bitten by a stray mosquito in the yellow fever hospital in Havana. There is no evidence that the group did any animal experiments at all -- no one thought that animals could carry yellow fever, or were susceptible to it, and so my speculation is that this 13th of September note in this laboratory book is Lazear's notation of himself being the guinea pig.
He told a story that he was bitten on the 13th in what was called the Las Animas Hospital in Cuba, in Havana, that he became ill on the 18th, and died about a week later. During his illness he told people he had been in the Cuban hospital and had been bitten there. It's interesting that if there was a stray mosquito in the Cuban hospital that was loaded with yellow fever, no one else was bitten, and nobody else got sick. And all of the people that were there at the time that worked with Lazear were convinced he had done self-experimentation. There's not any real proof of that but I think the evidence sort of supports that.
He became ill, had a very serious illness, died from it, and then it was a couple of weeks before Walter Reed actually got back to Cuba.