Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Kick the Bucket"

You won't find my new release at your local cinema. My latest project is "Kentucky Fried Cruelty," an undercover exposé blowing the whistle on the cruel treatment of animals at KFC's factory farm and slaughterhouse suppliers.

The video details just how horribly KFC treats chickens—birds are so crippled that they can't even walk, live birds are forced into tanks of scalding-hot water while completely conscious and able to feel pain, and in Moorefield, West Virginia slaughterhouse workers kill birds by slamming them against the wall and stomping on them!

I'm calling on consumers to "Kick the Bucket" and boycott KFC until the company agrees to make some simple improvements in the way it treats animals.

Please sign the petition here to join me and other compassionate consumers everywhere in taking your business elsewhere until the company agrees to take animal welfare seriously.

Of course, the best thing that you can do to help animals is to stop eating them, so please consider trying a vegetarian diet—just like me. And if you don't think cruelty to animals is a strong enough argument for vegetarianism, you might want to at least read up on how eating meat leads to a higher risk of impotence and of slowing the flow of blood to all the organs, not just to the heart, if you catch my drift.

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