Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tragedy and Hope

First of 2 Parts

Part 1 - Tragedy and Hope 
-A History of the World in Our Time

Part 2 - The Tower of Basel: Secretive Plans for the Issuing of a Global Currency 2
-Do we really want the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) issuing our global currency

 Michael L. Chadwick
  In 1965 one of the nation's leading professors quietly finished the last draft of a 1311 page book on world history. He walked over to his typewriter and secured the last pages of the book and placed them into a small box and wrapped it for mailing. He then walked to the Post Office and mailed the final draft to his publisher in New York City. The editor was somewhat overwhelmed and perhaps even inhibited by the scholarly treatise. The last thing he wanted to do was to read the huge draft. He knew and trusted the professor.

After all, he was one of the leading scholars in the western world. They had been acquaintances for several years. He had already signed an agreement to publish the book before it was finished. He had read several chapters of the early draft. They were boring, at least to him. He decided to give the book to a young editor who had just been promoted to his assistant. The young editor was also overwhelmed but happy to oblige the Senior Editor. The young editor was unaware of the importance of the manuscript and of the revelations which it contained. To the young editor this was just another textbook or so he thought.

     Somehow one of the most revealing books ever published slipped through the editorial of offices of one of the major publishing houses in New York and found it way into the bookstores of America in 1966.

     Five years later I was meandering through a used bookstore and stumbled upon this giant book. I picked up the book, blew the dust off and opened it to a page where the author stated that:

     "...[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. this system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations....

     "It must not be felt that these heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called 'international' or 'merchant' bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks. this dominance of investment bankers was based on their control over the flows of credit and investment funds in their own countries and throughout the world. They could dominate the financial and industrial systems of their own countries by their influence over the flow of current funds though bank loans, the discount rate, and the re-discounting of commercial debts; they could dominate governments by their own control over current government loans and the play of the international exchanges. Almost all of this power was exercised by the personal influence and prestige of men who had demonstrated their ability in the past to bring off successful financial coupes, to keep their word, to remain cool in a crisis, and to share their winning opportunities with their associates."

  There have always been men who have asked, "Where are we going?" But never, it would seem, have there been so many of them. And surely never before have these myriads of questioners asked their question in such dolorous tones or rephrased their question in such despairing words: "Can man survive?" Even on a less cosmic basis, questioners appear on all sides, seeking "meaning" or "identity," or even, on the most narrowly egocentric basis, "trying to find myself."
  One of these persistent questions is typical of the twentieth century rather than of earlier times: Can our way of life survive? Is our civilization doomed to vanish, as did that of the Incas, the Sumerians, and the Romans? From Giovanni Battista Vico in the early eighteenth century to Oswald Spengler in the early twentieth century and Arnold J. Toynbee in our own day, men have been puzzling over the problem whether civilizations have a life cycle and follow a similar pattern of change. From this discussion has emerged a fairly general agreement that men live in separately organized societies, each with its own distinct culture; that some of these societies, having writing and city life, exist on a higher level of culture than the rest, and should be called by the different term "civilizations"; and that these civilizations tend to pass through a common pattern of experience.

     From these studies it would seem that civilizations pass through a process of evolution which can be analyzed briefly as follows: each civilization is born in some inexplicable fashion and, after a slow start, enters a period of vigorous expansion, increasing its size and power, both internally and at the expense of its neighbors, until gradually a crisis of organization appears. When this crisis has passed and the civilization has been reorganized, it seems somewhat different. Its vigor and morale have weakened. It becomes stabilized and eventually stagnant. After a Golden Age of peace and prosperity, internal crises again arise. At this point there appears, for the first time, a moral and physical weakness which raises, also for the first time, questions about the civilization's ability to defend itself against external enemies. Racked by internal struggles of a social and constitutional character, weakened by loss of faith in its older ideologies and by the challenge of newer ideas incompatible with its past nature, the civilization grows steadily weaker until it is submerged by outside enemies, and eventually disappears.

     When we come to apply this process, even in this rather vague form, to our own civilization, Western Civilization, we can see that certain modifications are needed. Like other civilizations, our civilization began with a period of mixture of cultural elements from other societies, formed these elements into a culture distinctly its own, began to expand with growing rapidity as others had done, and passed from this period of expansion into a period of crisis. But at that point the pattern changed.


 In more than a dozen other civilizations the Age of Expansion was followed by an Age of Crisis, and this, in turn, by a period of Universal Empire in which a single political unit ruled the whole extent of the civilization. Western Civilization, on the contrary, did not pass from the Age of Crisis to the Age of Universal Empire, but instead was able to reform itself and entered upon a new period of expansion. Moreover, Western Civilization did this not once, but several times. It was this ability to reform or reorganize itself again and again which made Western Civilization the dominant factor in the world at the beginning of the twentieth century.


 As we look at the three ages forming the central portion of the life cycle of a civilization, we can see a common pattern. The Age of Expansion is generally marked by four kinds of expansion: (1) of population, (2) of geographic area, (3) of production, and (4) of knowledge. The expansion of production and the expansion of knowledge give rise to the expansion of population, and the three of these together give rise to the expansion of geographic extent. This geographic expansion is of some importance because it gives the civilization a kind of nuclear structure made up of an older core area (which had existed as part of the civilization even before the period of expansion) and a newer peripheral area (which became part of the civilization only in the period of expansion and later). If we wish, we can make, as an additional refinement, a third, semi-peripheral area between the core area and the fully peripheral area.

     These various areas are readily discernible in various civilizations of the past, and have played a vital role in historic change in these civilizations. In Mesopotamian Civilization (6000 B.C.-300 B.C.) the core area was the lower valley of Mesopotamia; the semi-peripheral area was the middle and upper valley, while the peripheral area included the highlands surrounding this valley, and more remote areas like Iran, Syria, and even Anatolia. The core area of Cretan Civilization (3500 B.C.-1100 B.C.) was the island of Crete, while the peripheral area included the Aegean islands and the Balkan coasts. In Classical Civilization the core area was the shores of the Aegean Sea; the semi-peripheral area was the rest of the northern portion of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, while the peripheral area covered the rest of the Mediterranean shores and ultimately Spain, North Africa, and Gaul. In Canaanite Civilization (2200 B.C.-100 B.C.) the core area was the Levant, while the peripheral area was in the western Mediterranean at Tunis, western Sicily, and eastern Spain. 

The core area of Western Civilization (A.D. 400 to some time in the future) has been the northern half of Italy, France, the extreme western part of Germany, and England; the semi-peripheral area has been central, eastern, and southern Europe and the Iberian peninsula, while the peripheral areas have included North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and some other areas.

     This distinction of at least two geographic areas in each civilization is of major importance. The process of expansion, which begins in the core area, also begins to slow up in the core at a time when the peripheral area is still expanding. In consequence, by the latter part of the Age of Expansion, the peripheral areas of a civilization tend to become wealthier and more powerful than the core area. Another way of saying this is that the core passes from the Age of Expansion to the Age of Conflict before the periphery does. Eventually, in most civilizations the rate of expansion begins to decline everywhere.

It is this decline in the rate of expansion of a civilization which marks its passage from the Age of Expansion to the Age of Conflict. This latter is the most complex, most interesting, and most critical of all the periods of the life cycle of a civilization. It is marked by four chief characteristics: (a) it is a period of declining rate of expansion; (b) it is a period of growing tensions and class conflicts; (c) it is a period of increasingly frequent and increasingly violent imperialist wars; and (d) it is a period of growing irrationality, pessimism, superstitions, and otherworldliness. All these phenomena appear in the core area of a civilization before they appear in more peripheral portions of the society.

     The decreasing rate of expansion of the Age of Conflict gives rise to the other characteristics of the age, in part at least. After the long years of the Age of Expansion, people's minds and their social organizations are adjusted to expansion, and it is a very difficult thing to readjust these to a decreasing rate of expansion. Social classes and political units within the civilization try to compensate for the slowing of expansion through normal growth by the use of violence against other social classes or against other political units. From this come class struggles and imperialist wars. The outcomes of these struggles within the civilization are not of vital significance for the future of the civilization itself. What would be of such significance would be the reorganization of the structure of the civilization so that the process of normal growth would be resumed. Because such a reorganization requires the removal of the causes of the civilization's decline, the triumph of one social class over another or of one political unit over another, within the civilization, will not usually have any major influence on the causes of the decline, and will not (except by accident) result in such a reorganization of structure as will give rise to a new period of expansion. Indeed, the class struggles and imperialist wars of the Age of Conflict will probably serve to increase the speed of the civilization's decline because they dissipate capital and divert wealth and energies from productive to nonproductive activities.

In most civilizations the long-drawn agony of the Age of Conflict finally ends in a new period, the Age of the Universal Empire. As a result of the imperialist wars of the Age of Conflict, the number of political units in the civilization are reduced by conquest. Eventually one emerges triumphant. When this occurs we have one political unit for the whole civilization. Just at the core area passes from the Age of Expansion to the Age of Conflict earlier than the peripheral areas, sometimes the core area is conquered by a single state before the whole civilization is conquered by the Universal Empire. When this occurs the core empire is generally a semi-peripheral state, while the Universal Empire is generally a peripheral state. Thus, Mesopotamia's core was conquered by semi-peripheral Babylonia about 1700 B.C., while the whole of Mesopotamian civilization was conquered by more peripheral Assyria about 7 2 5 H.C. (replaced by fully peripheral Persia about 525 B.C.).

In Classical Civilization the core area was conquered by semi-peripheral Macedonia about 336 B.C., while the whole civilization was conquered by peripheral Rome about 146 B.C. In other civilizations the Universal Empire has consistently been a peripheral state even when there was no earlier conquest of the core area by a semi-peripheral state. In Mayan Civilization (1000 B.C.-A.D. 1550) the core area was apparently in Yucatan and Guatemala, but the Universal Empire of the Aztecs centered in the peripheral highlands of central Mexico. In Andean Civilization (1500 B.C.-A.D. 1600) the core areas were on the lower slopes and valleys of the central and northern Andes, but the Universal Empire of the Incas centered in the highest Andes, a peripheral area. The Canaanite Civilization (2200 B.C.-146 B.C.) had its core area in the Levant, but its Universal Empire, the Punic Empire, centered at Carthage in the western Mediterranean. If we turn to the Far East we see no less than three civilizations. Of these the earliest, Sinic Civilization, rose in the valley of the Yellow River after 2000 B.C., culminated in the Chin and Han empires after 200 B.C., and was largely destroyed by Ural-Altaic invaders after A.D. 400. From this Sinic Civilization, in the same way in which Classical Civilization emerged from Cretan Civilization or Western Civilization emerged from Classical Civilization, there emerged two other civilizations: (a) Chinese Civilization, which began about A.D. 400, culminated in the Manchu Empire after 1644, and was disrupted by European invaders in the period 1790-1930, and (b) Japanese Civilization, which began about the time of Christ, culminated in the Tokugawa Empire after 1600, and may have been completely disrupted by invaders from Western Civilization in the century following 1853.

     In India, as in China, two civilizations have followed one another. Although we know relatively little about the earlier of the two, the later (as in China) culminated in a Universal Empire ruled by an alien and peripheral people. Indic Civilization, which began about 3500 B.C., was destroyed by Aryan invaders about 1700 B.C. Hindu Civilization, which emerged from Indic Civilization about 1700 B.C., culminated in the Mogul Empire and was destroyed by invaders from Western Civilization in the period 1500-1900.

  Turning to the extremely complicated area of the Near East, we can see a similar pattern. Islamic Civilization, which began about A.D. 500, culminated in the Ottoman Empire in the period 1300-1600 and has been in the process of being destroyed by invaders from Western Civilization since about 1750.

     Expressed in this way, these patterns in the life cycles of various civilizations may seem confused. But if we tabulate them, the pattern emerges with some simplicity.

     From this table a most extraordinary fact emerges. Of approximately twenty civilizations which have existed in all of human history, we have listed sixteen. Of these sixteen, twelve, possibly fourteen, are already dead or dying, their cultures destroyed by outsiders able to come in with sufficient power to disrupt the civilization, destroy its established modes of thought and action, and eventually wipe it out. Of these twelve dead or dying cultures, six have been destroyed by Europeans bearing the culture of Western Civilization.

When we consider the untold numbers of other societies, simpler than civilizations, which Western Civilization has destroyed or is now destroying, societies such as the Hottentots, the Iroquois, the Tasmanians, the Navahos, the Caribs, and countless others, the full frightening power of Western Civilization becomes obvious.

                              Universal           Final          Their

Civilization          Its Dates          Empire               Invasion     Dates

Mesopotamian          6000 B.C.-          Assyrian/          Greeks          335 B.C.-

               300 B.C.          Persian—                    300 B.C.

                              725-333 B.C.

Egyptian          5500 B. C.-          Egyptian          Greeks          334 B. C.-

               300 B. C.                                   300 B. C.

Cretan               3500 B. C.-          Minoan-          Dorian          1200 B. C.-

               1150 B. C.          Mycenaean          Greeks          1000 B. C.

Indic               3500 B. C. -          Harappa?          Aryans          1800 B. C.-

               1700 B. C.                                   1600 B. C.

Canaanite          2200 B. C. -          Punic                Romans     264 B. C. -

               100 B. C.                                   146 B. C.

Sinic               2000 B. C. -           Chin/               Ural-Altaic     A. D. 200

               A. D. 400          Han                         500

Hittite               1800 -               Hittite               Indo-          1200 B. C. -

               1150                              European     A. D. 1000

Classical          1150 B. C. -          Roman               Germanic     A. D. 350 -

               A. D. 500                                   600

Andean               1500 B. C. -           Inca               Europeans     1534

               A. D. 1600

Mayan               1000 B. C. -          Aztec               Europeans     1519

               A. D. 1550

Hindu               1800 B. C. -           Mogul               Europeans     1500 -

               A. D. 1900                                   1900

Chinese          400 -               Manchu          Europeans     1790 -

               1930                                        1930

Japanese          850 B. C. - ?          Tokugawa          Europeans     1853 -

Islamic               500 B. C. - ?          Ottoman          Europeans     1750 -

Western          350 - ?               United States?          Future?     ?

Orthodox          350 - ?               Soviet               Future?     ?

   We have said that the culture of a civilization is created in its core area originally and moves outward into peripheral areas which thus become part of the civilization. This movement of cultural elements is called "diffusion" by students of the subject. It is noteworthy that material elements of a culture, such as tools, weapons, vehicles, and such, diffuse more readily and thus more rapidly than do the nonmaterial elements such as ideas, art forms, religious outlook, or patterns of social behavior. For this reason the peripheral portions of a civilization (such as Assyria in Mesopotamian Civilization, Rome or Spain in Classical Civilization, and the United States or Australia in Western Civilization) tend to have a somewhat cruder and more material culture than the core area of the same civilization.

    Material elements of a culture also diffuse beyond the boundaries of a civilization into other societies, and do so much more readily than the non-material elements of the culture. For this reason the non-material and spiritual elements of a culture are what give it its distinctive character rather than its tools and weapons which can be so easily exported to entirely different societies. Thus, the distinctive character of Western Civilization rests on its Christian heritage, its scientific outlook, its humanitarian elements, and its distinctive point of view in regard to the rights of the individual and respect for women rather than in such material things as firearms, tractors, plumbing fixtures, or skyscrapers, all of which are exportable commodities.

     The export of material elements in a culture, across its peripheral areas and beyond, to the peoples of totally different societies has strange results. As elements of material culture move from core to periphery inside a civilization, they tend, in the long run, to strengthen the periphery at the expense of the core because the core is more hampered in the use of material innovations by the strength of past vested interests and because the core devotes a much greater part of its wealth and energy to non-material culture. Thus, such aspects of the Industrial Revolution as automobiles and radios are European rather than American inventions, but have been developed and utilized to a far greater extent in America because this area was not hampered in their use by surviving elements of feudalism, of church domination, of rigid class distinctions (for example, in education), or by widespread attention to music, poetry, art, or religion such as we find in Europe. A similar contrast can be seen in Classical Civilization between Greek and Roman or in Mesopotamian Civilization between Sumerian and Assyrian or in Mayan Civilization between Mayan and Aztec.

     The diffusion of culture elements beyond the boundaries of one society into the culture of another society presents quite a different case. The boundaries between societies present relatively little hindrance to the diffusion of material elements, and relatively greater hindrance to the diffusion of non-material elements. Indeed, it is this fact which determines the boundary of the society, for, if the non-material elements also diffused, the new area into which they flowed would be a peripheral portion of the old society rather than a part of a quite different society.

 The diffusion of material elements from one society to another has a complex effect on the importing society. In the short run it is usually benefited by the importation, but in the long run it is frequently disorganized and weakened. When white men first came to North America, material elements from Western Civilization spread rapidly among the different Indian tribes. The Plains Indians, for example, were weak and impoverished before 1543, but in that year the horse began to diffuse northward from the Spaniards in Mexico. Within a century the Plains Indians were raised to a much higher standard of living (because of ability to hunt buffalo from horseback) and were immensely strengthened in their ability to resist Americans coming westward across the continent. In the meantime, the trans-Appalachian Indians who had been very powerful in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries began to receive firearms, steel traps, measles, and eventually whiskey from the French and later the English by way of the St. Lawrence. These greatly weakened the woods Indians of the trans-Appalachian area and ultimately weakened the Plains Indians of the trans-Mississippi area, because measles and whiskey were devastating and demoralizing and because the use of traps and guns by certain tribes made them dependent on whites for supplies at the same time that they allowed them to put great physical pressure on the more remote tribes which had not yet received guns or traps. Any united front of reds against whites was impossible, and the Indians were disrupted, demoralized, and destroyed. In general, importation of an element of material culture from one society to another is helpful to the importing society in the long run only if it is (a) productive, (b) can be made within the society itself, and (c) can be fitted into the nonmaterial culture of the importing society without demoralizing it. The destructive impact of Western Civilization upon so many other societies rests on its ability to demoralize their ideological and spiritual culture as much as its ability to destroy them in a material sense with firearms.

 When one society is destroyed by the impact of another society, the people are left in a debris of cultural elements derived from their own shattered culture as well as from the invading culture. These elements generally provide the instruments for fulfilling the material needs of these people, but they cannot be organized into a functioning society because of the lack of an ideology and spiritual cohesive. Such people either perish or are incorporated as individuals and small groups into some other culture, whose ideology they adopt for themselves and, above all, for their children. In some cases, however, the people left with the debris of a shattered culture are able to reintegrate the cultural elements into a new society and a new culture. They are able to do this because they obtain a new non-material culture and thus a new ideology and morale which serve as a cohesive for the scattered elements of past culture they have at hand. 

Such a new ideology may be imported or may be indigenous, but in either case it becomes sufficiently integrated with the necessary elements of material culture to form a functioning whole and thus a new society. It is by some such process as this that all new societies, and thus all new civilizations, have been born. In this way, Classical Civilization was born from the wreckage of Cretan Civilization in the period 1150 B.C.—900 B.C., and Western Civilization was born from the wreckage of Classical Civilization in the period A.D. 350—700. It is possible that new civilizations may be born in the debris from the civilizations wrecked by Western Civilization on the fringes of Asia. In this wreckage is debris from Islamic, Hindu, Chinese, and Japanese civilizations. lt would appear at the present time that new civilizations may be in the throes of birth in Japan, possibly in China, less likely in India, and dubiously in Turkey or Indonesia. The birth of a powerful civilization at any or several of these points would be of primary significance in world history, since it would serve as a counterbalance to the expansion of Soviet Civilization on the land mass of Eurasia.

Turning from a hypothetical future to a historical past, we can trace the diffusion of cultural elements within Western Civilization from its core area across peripheral areas and outward to other societies. Some of these elements are sufficiently important to command a more detailed examination.

     Among the elements of the Western tradition which have diffused only very slowly or not at all are a closely related nexus of ideas at the basis of Western ideology. These include Christianity, the scientific outlook, humanitarianism, and the idea of the unique value and rights of the individual. But from this nexus of ideas have sprung a number of elements of material culture of which the most noteworthy are associated with technology. These have diffused readily, even to other societies. 

This ability of Western technology to emigrate and the inability of the scientific outlook, with which such technology is fairly closely associated, to do so have created an anomalous situation: societies such as Soviet Russia which have, because of lack of the tradition of scientific method, shown little inventiveness in technology are nevertheless able to threaten Western Civilization by the use, on a gigantic scale, of a technology almost entirely imported from Western Civilization. A similar situation may well develop in any new civilizations which come into existence on the fringes of Asia.


 The most important parts of Western technology can be listed under four headings:

     1. Ability to kill: development of weapons

     2. Ability to preserve life: development of sanitation and medical services

     3. Ability to produce both food and industrial goods

To be continued ...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dialogue with "Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider 4


HH: This will be our last session together.

I will do my very best to pack in as much as we can.

I am sorry for those who must have missed my earlier post from yesterday which clearly stated that I already have more questions than I have time to answer, and that you have spent the time in writing our new ones. My time is so limited, I am unable to respond to you. I have a long journey I must make shortly, and cannot be late for it.

ATS: I have always been very confused and not clear on the subject of "god", having been tossed around from religion to religion from my parents it is hard to discern which "god" to believe or have faith in. Should I keep on having faith in the fact that the world around me is "god" and that there is not one particular being that deserves this faith?

HH: Religion is either actually created, or at very least, heavily influenced by us. There is no such things as "god". "God" is a human concept, which is a misunderstanding of the original concept of "Creator". This is further confused, as there are many macrocosmic level Creators, or Logos, as has been explained previously. "God" implies some separate entity which is 'outside' of you, which you must supplicate to and worship. Our One Infinite Creator, and almost all of our Logos and sub-Logos', do not want your worship. They want you to understand Creation, and your place within it, as a Co-Creator. Ultimately, there is a "Supreme Being", in the form of the One Infinite Creator, but we are all a part of It, rather than it's subjects. None of the names given for this "Supreme Being" by your religions are the true name, but they are indeed correct, in that there is One Supreme Being, namely the Infinite Creator. They just have different concepts about It, which spring from the texts their religion is based upon.

Do not 'worship' your Infinite Creator, but rather live in a state of Thanksgiving and Service to It, for bringing you into Being, and for this amazing Game It has Created, in which we may forget who we really are, in order to remember, and know ourself one again, as the Creator.

ATS: So basically the form that we have is actually just a body with bones and skin and so on and so forth, what matters is our soul or being that is inside us that makes us question and deal with our surroundings and life, so when we "die" the pain and suffering is just part of our human shell, and has nothing to do with our soul or being which will carry on into the next life or density?

HH: Indeed. 'pain' and 'suffering' are just aspects of the Game. They feel extremely real whilst we are playing the Game, and indeed they have to, in order to make you believe that the Game is real. No-one really "dies". But rather, the 'matter' of human form is shed, much like the chrysalis of a caterpillar, when the butterfly emerges. Look upon physical incarnation as the chrysalis in which you may transform.

ATS: I feel as though I am like Shelby, but have lost my way, or I am just so confused and not in-tune with my inner-self that I can not figure out what is my purpose in this game. Is there anything you can shed upon this?

HH: Your purpose in the Game, is to work upon yourself. To grow, develop, and transform yourself into a more positive and loving being. You had certain goals that you planned to achieve before incarnating here, which is a main reason for the veil of forgetfulness being in place, because if you already knew what your goals were, the Game would be too easy.

Look at the things in your life that you most love to do. Ask yourself what makes you most happy. Experience these things as often as possible, as they will be related to some of the things you chose to put into your Soul contract to do here.

Also, look at the negative things, that often seem to recur during your lifetime. It will be highly likely that these are also things that you chose to come here to work upon. Let us say for example, that you chose to come here to work upon patience during this incarnation. You will likely find that you have a tendency towards impatience, and that life will often bring many experiences to you, in order to 'test' your patience. The idea being, that rather than losing your temper, you work upon your impatience, and resolve to become a more temperate and patient Soul.

This same analogy may be applied to all manner of circumstances in which life will test you. Look for and begin to identify any recurring issues you have, that you perhaps struggle to deal with, and seem to present themselves to you, time and time again. Perhaps anger, being abusive, selfishness, hatred, cynicism, and the list goes on. Whenever you find recurring circumstances, it is because you are being presented with opportunity after opportunity, to work upon these issues, until you get it right, and choose a way of behavior that is more Positive. Once you've successfully identified these issues within your life, worked upon them, and used them as the tools of transformation that they are, to improve the quality of your character, you will notice that these things seem to almost cease to appear in your life. You will still be presented with them at varying intervals, to check that you have not forgotten that which you have learned, but they will be fewer and far between.

I hope this may give you some clues as to how to identify the things you came here to do, and how to go about working upon yourself.

ATS: My life has been a troubled one for awhile now, having been so soaked and brainwashed into the human life form and way of life, but lately I feel as though I am starting to wake up and see things more clearly. Am I doomed because of the path I have taken for most of my life, or can I still save my "soul"?

HH: You are not 'doomed', and your Soul does not require 'salvation'. No-one's Soul does. There is nothing to 'save' it from. It is good to hear that you are awakening, and that is another reason why I am here at this time, speaking with you. Our Infinite Creator has many messengers, and he uses us all in our own unique ways, to help with the Awakening, and prepare as many as possible, for the coming Great Harvest.

But as I say, you are not 'doomed', and there is nothing to save yourself from, except perhaps, from ignorance. And I do not mean that in an insulting way, but rather, ignorance as in a 'lack of understanding'. At the very worst, you will have to repeat as many 3rd Density Cycles as is necessary, in order for you to learn the things you need to learn, in order to progress and Graduate to 4th Density Positive. But one thing is for sure, you will get there in the end. All will find their way Home, to our Infinite Creator. Rest also assured, that you will not find yourself 'lost' in your cycling. At the end of each physical incarnation, as I've previously stated, you return to time/space, or that which has been described as "Heaven", where you shall once again know yourself as you truly are, a unique and beautiful Soul, and a part of our Creator. You only forget who you are during incarnation. The object of the Game, is to wake up within the 'dream', and in effect, become a 'Lucid Gamer'. To remember who you really are during the Game, and to then begin working upon the things you came here for. Re-reading this topic, with discernment, will provide you with plenty of clues on how you may choose to go about this.

ATS: Thank you for your time here with us, and I wish you the best, it has been a pleasure speaking with you and listening to your knowledge.

HH: We wish the same for you Brother, and ask that our Infinite Creator bless you and guide your path. See you when we get Home. 

ATS: So, is the harvest an "all or nothing" event or will it be a mixed harvest—a few moving to fourth density, a few moving towards fourth density in service to self, the great majority repeating third density? And if only 94% go to fourth density negative, then you have to repeat 3rd density and try again for a 95% negative harvest? If so, then I would hate to imagine how much more negative your people would make the earth at that point.

I'm still confused about your part in this. In order for you to move on the 4th level, it must be a 95% negative harvest. In other words, to reward your people with 4th density, 95% of the human souls have to be (in the self-contemplation process) as far away from the "Infinite Source" as humanly possible. That just doesn't "feel" right to me.

HH: It does not 'feel' right to you, as it is not right. You have not entirely grasped the concept. I shall attempt to clarify.

The Harvest is Mixed. Those who are 51% or over on the Positive path will Graduate to 4th Density Positive. There you will work upon Love and Compassion, and it will be a very beautiful world to reside within for you. There will be very little negativity. Just a small enough amount that you can still use it to exercise your Free Will in choosing who you are not, but it will be so much more obvious than it is here, that the negativity is a tool to be used. You will see the interconnectedness of all things, and you will know that you are not 'separate' from one another, or from life Itself. You will not use words much, unless you choose to. Telepathy becomes the normal method of communication. Everything is open, and you cannot hide your thoughts from 'others'.

From that incarnation onwards, you will not have to experience 3rd Density incarnation again, unless you later choose to do so from Higher Densities, as we have done, in order to perfect the art of Service, or unless you somehow, in a 4th Density world of abundant love and beauty, inextricably manage to be 95% Negative at a time of future Harvest, and slide back down the snake, instead of ascending up the ladder, to use another 'Game' metaphor.

Back to 'this' current Great Harvest, we do not require a 95% Negative Harvest, as you have deducted. Instead, what we require, is for US to personally attain a 95% Negative Polarity for ourselves, not for you. WE must be 95% Negative (at least), in order to Graduate to 4th Density Negative, and earn the opportunity to clear our Karmic Record, of all the Negativity we have Created on this planet, before returning to our rightful place as 6th Density Guardians of our Galaxy, and teachers of Wisdom to those in lower Densities that ask for our assistance. If we do not make it, we will remain trapped in the 3rd Density Cycle with all those between 94% Negative and 50% Positive (what I termed 'luke-warm's'), and have to continue to provide Negative Polarity for you. Harsh as it is, our only way out, is to be as Negative as possible, to Graduate. We cannot choose to be Positive, because that is not what we came here to do for you. That's why I often have referred to all the horrible things we've done here, as our Sacrifice.

ATS: You said that the "lukewarm people" at the time of harvest would not notice anything has happened, but they'd be on a different planet. Do you mean that they'd wake up with no memory of what has occurred but still be in the same physical body, or they'd wake up in a new physical body with no memory of any past life?

HH: There will be a short experience of 'zero-point time', where you feel utterly "at One" with your Infinite Creator. It will be a feeling of blissful, ecstatic expansiveness and Unity, whilst your physical vehicles (bodies) are dissolved back into Light, and transported to your new environment. When that transition is complete, the 'zero-point time' will end, and you will 'appear' in your new 'game-zone' (planet). You will look the same, think the same, feel the same, in fact, it will be just like you all had some mystical experience, and life will carry on as 'normal' for you. Same houses, family situations, jobs, friends, lovers. Everything will seem the same as before, you will not remember the Great Harvest or earth changes that occurred as the planet Earth heals and regenerates herself. But you will recall your 'mystical experience' and that will give you hope and a new opportunity to choose a more positive future for yourselves.

There will still be the same Negative Polarity to overcome, but if we are successful in our Negative Graduation, (which we shall be) others are standing by to take our places pulling the strings from "behind the scenes". We have more than done our job, in discharging our Service to you. And we are tired. It is time for us to clear our Karmic Record, and return to being the Being of Light which is our True essence.

ATS: You keep saying help is available to those searching for truth, all we have to do is ask. What is the best way to go about this? I have never had the ability to remember any of my dreams.

HH: Read back, I have given guidance on dream recall previously. it takes practice, and is a slow process, but you have to start somewhere, Be patient with yourself.

ATS: What specifically can I do to receive guidance on how to reach the state where it is easier to discern truth from untruth?

HH: Work upon yourself. Go inside, in a state of meditative contemplation. Still your mind, that your Soul may have room in which to make It's 'still-small voice' heard. Ask your Infinite Creator to help you, and listen to your inner voice. Be patient, it takes time to develop this inner communication, after a lifetime of neglect. When you persevere and keep working on yourself, gradually it will come to you, and when it does, you must learn to TRUST in your Inner Guidance, NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS MAY SAY. That is the ultimate test. To Trust what you know deep inside as your Truth, even when the whole world tells you that you are "wrong". It is hard work, to Trust yourself when all those around you doubt you and call you crazy, but it is the job you came here to do.

The only real and lasting Truth, is a 'self-realized' one. Messengers can come and go, and show you Truth until they're blue in the face, but it will not be Your Truth, until you have realized for yourself, deep within the Core of your Being, that it 'feels' True for you.

You should never accept something as true, just because someone tell you it is so. But when your inner voice guides you that a Truth is True, and you feel that old warm feeling of excitement welling up from somewhere deep within, that says "Yes! I knew it!" Hold on to that feeling, (feelings are the language of your Soul) and Guard it carefully, as you can be sure that your newfound beliefs will be challenged in many ways. It is designed this way, to test you. Your Inner Truth must be able to withstand the test of time, and will be given a thorough examination. Hold fast to it, so long as it is what you Know to be True deep within. Allow nothing or no-one 'outside' of you to pull you from your path, no matter how fiercely they contend with you. They are just doing their job, even if they may well not even be 'aware' that this is what they are in fact doing. They are performing an important service to you, and you should be grateful to them for that.

We wish you well on your journey, and ask our Infinite Creator to protect and guide you upon your path.

"arc de triumphe":

I do not have the time to go into your many questions, so I will just select a few I can answer briefly, as I still have so many questions to get through.

ATS: Do the Orion/occultist groups specifically target civilizations before they become a social memory complex. 

HH: Yes, but that does not make them immune to targeting others too, if they allow any chinks to appear in their armour. In short, the Orion Empire are 4th Density Negative. They are "lost" in the sense that they have drifted so far from their true nature, that despite many attempts, we have been unable to reach them, and help them to develop. They exist within their Group Soul Complex, mostly as a group of discarnate entities, within the Astral Planes of the planets they visit. They have no intention of 'returning Home', and instead seek to feed off of Negative Energy, to keep themselves going, as they are disconnected from their inherent natural Life-Force, by refusing to abide by the Infinite Creator's Incarnational Principles.

The time we spend between lives in time/space, is intended to restore our Soul Energy from within, in order to continue our upward progression. They are essentially 'imprisoned' within the 4th Density Negative cycle, as there is no Negative Harvest beyond the 4th Density. So they spend their time traveling the Galaxy, basically 'using the dark side of the Force' (Negativity) to achieve their means. They will eventually be brought back before the One Infinite Creator, and dissolved back into the Intelligent infinity (Source of All), though they are being given every chance for as long as possible, to learn the error of their ways, and return to seeking the Positive, and to begin their journey back Home. They main trouble is, they do not want to go Home. They see themselves as being 'gods', and do not intend to submit to the authority of The One.

ATS: Why all the sudden ramping up of control mechanisms.

HH: The Great Harvest is fast approaching. Time to really bring on the Polar Extremes.

ATS: The Montauk Project....fact or fiction.

HH: The project is Fact. Though the publicly available information is in someways corrupted.

ATS: Best ways to decipher between truth and fiction other than what we perceive to be truth specifically in concerning the New Age agenda and the dogmatic churches ideologies.

HH: Follow your Heart. Listen to, and Trust, your Inner voice. 

ATS: Please explain the wanderer’s roles and what value it is to be wanderer if you have no recollection of ones past lives. Also how does this play with the law of non-intervention (that’s if they are here to help people ).

HH: The Wanderers, (or 'Travelers' as they are also known) are those from Higher Densities, who have chosen to incarnate here at this time, in order to perfect Service to Others. They still have to 'remember who they are', and part of the concern, is that sometimes, even they do not manage to awaken in the Game, such is the power of the Illusion. They are here to awaken themselves, and then to help awaken others to prepare for the coming Great Harvest. Though even if they fail to awaken, they are not bound by the 3rd Density Cycle, as they've already mastered it. Once their incarnation is over, they are again free to return to their appropriate levels.

ATS: Are there any non-corrupted parts of the bible and if what bible version would you suggest?

HH: No. As with all Sacred Texts, they have been distorted from the original information that was given with each translation. Though again, as with all Sacred Texts, there is still much truth hidden within them. Much of it being 'metaphorical'. If you can find pre King James versions, that is the closest you will get. Good luck with that.

ATS: Was the Rothschild lineage the organizer of the Illuminati in which Weishhaupt later formed?

HH: No. Weishhaupt was just a puppet on a string. The Rothschild lineage (not it's original name) were the pre-eminent line 'closing the net of control' over Humanity. But even they, are a lesser line within The Family. As I have said, the names you know do not have the Real Power. They are part of the Family, but not an 'original' part.

ATS: My question is this: what can I do to attract more like-minded individuals to come together to uplift my people's turning to the path of ascension. (I've decided that this is what I can do to express my personal act of 'service to others')

HH: And a very wise and compassionate decision it is. We are proud of you.

The most important thing, is not to force things, and not to be so impassioned in your delivery of your message, that you put people off the content of the message itself. There is a balance that needs to be found, between your urgency to awaken others, and your compassion for the lack of understanding in their 'condition'. Always adhere to the Law of Free Will, and never force your message.

In getting your message out there, whilst being informative, always do your best not to feed the fear and paranoia, as this will act contrary to your intentions of raising the vibration to Positive. Deliver your message in a way that emphasizes the Hope, and the true beauty and reality of our inherent Oneness with our Infinite Creator. Be as a Light, shining in the Darkness. Do not burn others with your light, but rather, allow them to be drawn to your Light, and be of Service to those who come to you willingly. In other words, do not become 'evangelical' with your message, but rather, be the enigmatic and loving 'wise old sage', to whom others are drawn to because of the Quality of his vibration, rather than the volume of his rhetoric.

Most importantly, PRACTICE THAT WHICH YOU PREACH. Others must be able to see the effect of our Infinite Creator conducting his wonderful work through you.

We wish you well in your task, and are hopeful of a Positive Harvest for you. But above all things, keep working upon yourself, and keep choosing the Positive, and being of Service to others. Because you desire to, not because you feel that you must.

We ask our Infinite Creator to bless you and guide your path. 

ATS: Earth Changes; While I understand that death is not the end of my existence, I like my body and would not like to get caught out in any earth changes if I can possibly help it.

1) If your family permits, please could you reveal which places are more likely to be relatively safe during the next 3-4 years? Would the South of China (Canton/Hong Kong) or Patagonia be good bets? Any other places?

HH: I am not permitted to say much here, as there must be those who remain in their locations, to help others who are not aware of what is coming. Many of you (whether you are aware or not) have chosen this lifetime for that reason.

But if you are insistent upon escape, chose the Highest places you can find. Particularly in the Southern Hemisphere if you are able. The Peruvian Andes is a good place to be. There is much Spiritual Power being exercised there, and the Quero Elders are well aware of what is going down.

ATS: 2) Are John Lear /Jan Lamprecht correct in their assertion that the majority of planets of the Solar System are inhabited? 

HH: Most definitely. Not all on a 3rd Density level that you can see though. 

ATS: Is the Earth Hollow?

HH: Hold on, let me just check. Yes, definitely.

ATS: If so, how does one gain access?

HH: I am not permitted to say.

ATS: Could you elaborate further on the mechanisms behind the fantastic positive results seen by people who embark on the service to others path? I invite you to really deeply explain the intricacies of the energy-play at work. While "You get out what you put in" is true, I'd like to see the whole concept dissected and fully explored.

HH: If you re-read some of my recent posts, I believe I have now done so. 

ATS: I recently experienced healing of a minor health problem by sending love to all the sick people in the world. How does this work, not why, how.?!?!

HH: Because there is only ONE of you here.

Understand that, at a deep Core level of your Being, and you will understand how it works. As you do unto others, so you do to yourself.

ATS: You claim your family was put here to be the negative influence of the world. Is there a family it is asserting a positive influence on us as well? Is it up to us (humanity) to be that positive force?

HH: An interesting question. There is such a family (or group more accurately), but you cannot see them, and neither are you aware of their existence. They help the planet from a secret "Inner" location, by the Quality of the Energy work they engage in and project outward to you, from the Source.

Yes, it is up to you to Be the Changes you wish to see, in yourself, and in the World. 

ATS: Your goal is a negative harvest, yet you clearly are touting the benefits of a positive life. This seems antithetical to your goal. That is not so much a question as an observation, but if you could elaborate on that, I would appreciate it.

HH: Mmmm, another very perceptive question. Thank you.

Our goal, is a Negative Harvest for Ourselves. Not for you. We provide the Catalyst of Negativity for you, and it is up to you what you do with it. The drastic extent of the Negativity we Create though, has more to do with us, than it does with you. Some of my earlier replies should make clear why that is so.

Also, in response to your observation regarding the antithetical nature of some of what I have shared here, there is a simple explanation.

Let's put it this way, I have already been, shall we say "chastised" for going well beyond my remit here. It was not intended that I be as open as I have been. In fact, if you follow the topic through again from the beginning, you may notice how my 'tone' toward you (collectively) has softened somewhat during our discourse together.

I have, as far as possible, adhered fully to the Laws of Free Will and Confusion, although there have been instances where I have said more than I should have. You yourselves will not suffer for this, however, when it comes to my next cycle in 4th Density Negative, and working off my Karmic Record, I will have to accept the consequences for my actions. But hey, I figure I've got a Negative enough life to come as it is, so what's a little extra going to matter.

I was reluctant to be the one tasked with this communication. I still very much have a 'weakness' for Compassion. But I obey and discharge the assignments given to me. It has been a very long time, since I last spent any time in having direct dealings with 'your kind' in general. I do not mean that in an offensive way, just that the vast majority of my time, I only ever see Family during my daily and nightly tasks. I do not live what you would call a 'public' life. I am 'sheltered' and 'secluded'.

I did not anticipate how involved I would become in this process. To be honest, I really did not expect so many questions, and such a warm and open minded reception (from the majority).

You could say, that I have in some way, grown somewhat 'attached' to you. In effect, this "Window of Opportunity, has also become such for me too. What began as me just doing my duty, has become more a 'labour of love', and when this is all over by the end of this evening, I think I will actually kind of miss you all, and having this involvement with those of the 'outside' world.

I was chosen because it was desired that someone of my "diplomacy" skills would be best to deliver this message. Due to the very nature of the subject matter, there was much potential for discord. It was felt important that the message did not become lost in a self righteous or defensive delivery system. So, you got me. And I'm actually glad now in retrospect that you did.

I sit here and chuckle to myself, (in light of the way some people here have spoken to me), how this discourse may have descended into something ugly, were certain others amongst my Family who were also considered for this assignment to have actually been given the job. Now I know why I was chosen. As with all things, it was meant to be this way. I couldn't care less what others think of me, so long as I know I am Serving my Creator as he desires, to the best of my ability. His is the only approval I require, or desire. I have nothing to defend, so I guess that's why I was 'perfect' for this task.

Anyway, enough with the sentiment, I have more questions to answer. 

ATS: A common saying among Christians is "Satan's greatest trick is convincing the world that he didn't exist." I think there are Christians that would look at what you've written and see it as an elaborate ruse to "make the devil look good."

HH: "Satan" is a human invention. Simply the 'personification' you have given to all the Negativity that has existed on this beautiful planet. You didn't know who to 'blame', and as you could not find it within yourselves to take any of the responsibility, "Satan" was created to absolve yourselves.

ATS: Many of my friends and family are Christians, and they would likely think the same. How would one even go about presenting this information to a person of that mindset? I am not here to "spread your gospel", but I would definitely like so share this with a few of my friends.

HH: How can you present anything to ones who have no desire to have their belief system challenged?

They will believe what they want to believe, and noting you or I can say is likely to make any difference. It becomes ingrained at a subconscious level, and when a belief structure becomes that insidious, the only way it is likely to change, is through a 'mystical experience' or such a personal demonstration of 'another way' in the life lived of 'another', that one cannot fail but to notice that there is 'something different' about them. How can you reach such as these? Only by example.

ATS: That being said, is it okay if I condense your writings into one long post on my blog? I need to make sure that doesn't violate my user agreement here. I would also like to make sure that I won't get a visit from the men in black if I do so.

HH: That is amusing, thank you for the chuckle. Yes, you are most welcome to collate this discourse for presentation elsewhere. The only thing I ask, is that anyone chosing to do so, respects my wishes and copies only the message itself. In other words, do not include all the petty side discussion. If you want to present this message to others, please honour my (our) original intention, that the message is presented as a 'whole'. When I said in my opening post, that I required 'provisional faith' or 'suspended judgment', I made it very clear why this was the case.

I couldn't care less that people do not believe it. I never expected that many would. But what I desired, in asking for the above, was that the message was allowed to be presented in full, with all genuine questions replied to, and then once that process is complete, you can say whatever you like about how much of a hoax you may or may not believe it to be. If I may be crass for a brief moment, I couldn't give a "flying #" how much vitriol and scorn is poured upon our message, or how many futile verbal attacks may be launched against it's messenger. The message will reach all those it is meant to reach, and that is exactly the way it should be. It is what the Creator wants. Those with ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to understand, will hear the message, and the seeds planted will grow strong in such fertile soil as these.

So please therefore, if you respect that which I have shared here, and the courteous manner in which I have shared it, if you want to copy it, copy only my posts. My posts all quote within them the questions I respond to, so there are no other posts required, if a genuine representation of the message is that which you desire to take away with you.

ATS: Thank you for posting some of the most interesting information I have ever read. I am a bit of a crackpot and I scour the internet for conspiracies, alternative news, UFO videos and the like. I can't say I'm ready to completely buy what you're selling, but it has definitely resonated with me.

HH: You are welcome, and I in turn thank you, for reading it with an open mind.

I would never ask or expect you to 'buy' what I'm 'selling' If you notice, I have stated throughout our message, that the very last thing I want, is for it to be blindly believed, or taken as 'gospel'.

As I've said. It is yet another in a long line of "Catalysts", that your Infinite Creator has provided you with, down the course of history. A Catalyst is not meant to be believed. It is meant to present you with a challenge to that which you "think" you know, about reality. And that is all it is meant to do.

As always, how you respond to the Catalyst, is entirely up to you. Just the way it always should be.

Thank you very much for your very incisive and perceptive questions. Whether you realize it or not, you have contributed greatly to this discourse.

We wish you well, and ask our Infinite Creator to bless you, and guide your path.

ATS: H_H put out some incredibly well written information - almost like it flowed from 'his/her' being onto the thread.

HH: And that, is possibly the most perceptive realization in this discourse thus far.

It also allows me to respond further to an earlier question, that I indicated I would go into in more depth later, when replying to your observation.

This message does indeed "flow from my Being", onto the page.

I mentioned before, that my role in my Family, is that of the Spiritual Discipline.

A certain poster made all manner of assumptions as to what that role entails, and flailed wildly wide of the mark in the process.

As I said previously, all of the "Power Lines" (off world bloodlines) that comprise the "Inner Sanctum" (or "Hidden Hands") of the Family, have certain abilities that 3rd Density incarnates do not posses (even the others of our Family, the lines you know), one of these being the ability to know their entire incarnational 'past', with focussed concentration.

There are a wide array of tasks to be attended to, that allows our Family to function effectively, and we each specialize in certain areas or Disciplines, in order that the "body" of our Family runs like a well oiled machine.

My area, and that which I spend the vast majority of my time actively involved in, is that of Spirituality. OUR Spirituality, not that of the peoples of the Earth. Others below me deal more in that area.

I could be likened to that of a 'Priest' or a 'Minister'. In the same way as your religions and spiritual teachers have the responsibility of "listening" to the voice of their Creator, and delivering his messages, so to do I.

I have been actively engaged in this role now, for a great many years. It has become second nature to me. Actually, more accurately, it has become First nature. A large part of my role, is to constantly be in the awareness state of our Group Soul (Lucifer). That is why you will notice that I so often refer to "we" even as I am speaking in the first person. That has just become natural for me. I spend most of my time speaking with my Family, as Lucifer, the Group Soul perspective. When I speak henceforth, it is not me (the individual Soul spark) that is speaking to you in essence, but rather, for want of a better description, (because it is far from accurate), you could say that in effect, I am "Channeling" Lucifer. That is why this discourse flows so easily. As some have noted, the chances of me having spent however much vast quantities of time "researching" all this material to "hoax" with, and present it in the fluent method that I do, as in regular daily installments, whilst I guess could be remotely possible, is unlikely in the extreme.

For those who are open enough to receive the above explanation, now you know why, and how it is done. I speak not for myself, but rather, for him who sent me, my own Creator (Lucifer). I know and have experienced that which he knows and has experienced, because essentially, we are One and the same Being.

ATS: I have never been involved in any organized religions per say, but have always been spiritual. I do look at the many religious texts out there because I believe they all have parts to the story. One can find great knowledge from many different books or religious texts. I believe that we as humans are creators like the ONE creator and we are all one. I also believe we wil be moving into a higher level of consciousness where we can consciously co-create in our world, since we are only unconsciously co-creating at the moment.

HH: Your insight serves you well. 

ATS: There is so much more I would like to speak with you about but am not able to think of what exactly I want to say. Thanks for those great words that you speak to us and appreciate what you are doing! With Love

HH: Do not worry friend, we feel your heart, and that does not need to be expressed via the confines of limited words. We can speak all you like, and will be happy to do so, when the Game is over.

ATS: Also do you know of  Miriam Delicado? I just watched here interview on the project camelot site and it was very inspiring to me. So let me ask, are you one of the tall blondes that she speaks of.

HH: She is a beautiful Soul. I have not seen the interview of which you speak, but we know of her experiences. The 'tall blondes' of which you speak, are of Plejaren heritage. They are working with what is know as the Galactic Confederation of Planets. They serve the Positive vibration. Plejarens are from the constellation you call the Pleiades. It's actual name is the Plejares, hence 'Plejarens'.

And no, we are Lucifer, and nothing directly to do with the Plejarens, though they are indeed good friends of ours.

ATS: I have never seen a UFO or any of this spiritual stuff myself. I just know in my heart that it's there for me to find. What can I do if anything to get myself in the correct frequency to see these things and have these experiences. Any and all information you provide will be greatly appreciated.

HH: Simply believe, and know in your heart of their existence. Think about it. In all of this vast Creation, can you really believe that you are alone?

I will pre-warn you though, so as to avoid disappointment, you will only receive communication from them, if that is something you have already agreed together in your Soul Contract before coming here. Many here at this time (millions) have a part to play in the Great Awakening, and preparations for the Great Harvest. Many who do not believe now, will begin to open their minds, as the Earth changes that are coming begin to take effect. People will be terrified, and have no idea what is going on, because the governments have concealed this information from you. These 'Travelers' or what some have termed "Star-Seeds" are incarnated here to help on the ground level, when this all begins play out, over the next few years. When the time is right, they will come forward.

Most people are not ready to hear this information yet, but not so far off, they will be.

Many of these "Star Seeds" have not "awakened" yet themselves. The Confederation stands by ready to "help" them to do so, if it is necessary. For ones such as these who have yet to "awaken", they will have felt all their lives that they are somehow "different", and they have a deep sense that somehow, they "do not belong here". Many of them will also have many dreams and even visions, of their lives on their Home planets. Many of these "Star Seeds", are in fact Plejaren. That is why the 'tall blondes' keep 'showing up'. To help their Family awaken to their assignments here.

ATS: I am another of the many grateful forum members who appreciate the loving message given by Hidden_Hand. I wish I had discovered this thread before today. It's given me much comfort. I was running out of strength but now feel as though I might just be able to manage now. My gratitude is eternal. From this little spark to that one: Thanks for the light, mate.

HH: You are very welcome, we are glad to have been of Service. You actually 'feel' very familiar to me. If for the reasons I am feeling this to be the case, consider this message to you our part in our Soul Agreement fulfilled. Take the guidance in this message into your meditations, and also seek information from your Dreamtime. Test these words deeply, and take them into your heart, only if they 'feel' right, and truthful to you. If they do, then act upon them, and allow nothing or no-one to deter you. Arise and play the part that you volunteered to be here for right now. It is almost time. Prepare yourself, and be sure that you are ready.

We leave you with our strongest encouragement, and the love and Light of our One Infinite Creator.

ATS: He could be what he says he is i think. But he could be a well read but bored person wanting to see how far his hoax will spread on the internet.

The thing i do find is that if he is the latter it doesn't fit the profile. I mean if you read up on the stuff he obviously is interested in it is harder to wantingly hoax with it. It goes against the things he loves to read about. And i find it VERY hard to believe that he is researching this on the fly and putting all this work in something he will never get anymore 'fame' than this week of attention, no money or 'real life' recognition or whatever more.

HH: I was not going to respond to any more messages other than those who genuinely want to hear what we have to say, due to my fast expiring time here, though your point was poignant enough to briefly address, even if only that the accuracy of your statement deserves to have a place in the final collated version of this message. A LOT of work and pointless time wasted, were it not for the fact that this 'labour of love' is all done for the glory of our Creator. The lies and rumours about us being an 'evil' and 'satanic' Being have gone unanswered for far too long. It was time to set the record straight. Lucifer has sacrificed so much, because we love you.

ATS: As spirituality is your focus, could you comment on the role of the Catholic church in terms of your role and how the church fits in either the positive, negative, or miscellaneous paths?

HH: The lower parts of our Family (the names you know) use the Vatican for many Rituals and Sacrifices. That should tell you all you need to know.

ATS: Any specific holy books (or perhaps Bible authors) you'd list as coming very close to the Truth?

HH: The closet biblical authors, are those who have been 'left out' of the publicized editions.

The closest "spiritual" writings (other than the Ra material) to containing truth about the nature of The One, are the Taoist writings, that of the 'Tao Te Ching', and the 'Book of Chuang Tzu'.

ATS: Greetings, Hidden Hand. I consider this a unique opportunity. I have not read this full thread but I have some detailed questions, so I apologize if something has already been answered. I want to make sure I get my questions out before your time expires.

HH: Almost all of your questions have been addressed, and those few which have not, I am sorry that I either am not permitted to speak on, or that due to the tiny amount of time I have left now, I cannot address. My apologies.

ATS: H-H, i hope you will answer my following questions.

You may be aware of me, as i also cannot reveal all that i know.

My question is of a different nature, which i cannot get answers to, My bloodline is of the elite, as to say. austrian count, english earl, scottish baron, It seems at some point in the last 100 years,one part of the family lost everything, taken from the government. There is alot i wish to say, but do not wish to tell for all to see. Are you aware of this happening? What really happened? The english side will not say, generations of family lived there, then taken by the government.....something happened. All in my family including myself have extensive abilities,myself seeming to have the most. I am also aware of all you have spoke of on here.
I would, if you have permission to do so, and i know this would be allowed due to this lineage, like to talk to you on a personal level.
Ask who you have to ask, you will see i am truthful and genuine.

Please do not see me as arrogant, but that is the only question i do not know

HH: Obviously you understand, that these line you speak of are only the earthly lines, and we (off world Power lines) do not often intervene in such 'inter family') circumstances. All I am permitted to say, is that there was a dispute between the Hapsburg and Franco-Prussian lines. Things were said and done that should not have been. Consequences arose, and action was taken.

As for communication on a 'person' level, I am sorry this is not possible.

I hope that within the limits of that which I can say, you have the insight to connect the dots.

We wish you well in your tasks here, and will likely see you in the near future (if you are going to 'Malta in wintertime'?) No need to reply, as I will have taken my leave by then.

We shall deal with these next two posts together:

ATS 1: He is reptilian. That's the race of the bloodlines. They control just about everything behind the scenes

And remember there's no such thing as a bad race, just select individuals or groups who stand out more than others.

ATS 2: Ok so i have another question for hidden_hand. Reptilians are described as being very aggressive, arrogant and perceive humans to be nothing more than cattle. So what's with the split personalities? you're saying you are loving and spiritual and yet everyone says reptilians are fearsome beings?

HH: That amuses us. We are most certainly NOT Reptilian, and there is nothing remotely reptilian about the True Power Bloodlines. The only 'Reptilian' influences that are in anyway remotely involved with this planet at this time, are those of the Zeta Reticuli and Alpha Draconis systems. They are of no particular threat to you.

For those to whom it may be of some interest, we are of Venusian heritage, originally. What is another name that Venus is called by? Connect the dots.

Well, that is all the questions I promised to answer out of the way, and my time here is now pretty much expired. I have another few minutes before I must finish preparing for my long journey. There was two later posts, that I will just barely have time to offer a passing answer to:

ATS: I clearly know and are aware about this game…. But I have a question to you.....

Do your 3-d families have fractions. Do they not know this, all of them.

Because they have try to kill me, and it will not work. of course.

HH: All I can say on this, is that even the Earthly lines of our "extended" Family, only know as much as we tell them. Certain information they may not use wisely, or with proper regard to our Creator, and our One Infinite Creator.

As has been said before, "the top of the pyramid, is not the top of the pyramid".

Above the highest Earthline auspices of the Supreme World Council (and another higher aspect that cannot be named), are the "Hidden Hands" (not the real name of course, but what we have sometimes been referred to).

ATS: Yes, however the things/thoughts/ideas! he is speaking of are already a piece of copyrighted material and have been published in book format with ISBN numbers and all. The books are called the Law of One.

This/these books deal with the very same ideas as the OP:
1. Negative and positive polarization
2. Degrees of density
3. Even the same exact term: social memory complex!
4. harvest is used in the same context
5. Evolution between densities
6. Logos and sub-logos are used in the same context
7. The same concept of Wanderers
8. The concept of Infinity becoming aware of itself
9. The same idea of vibrations in the same context
10. The concept of 'us' progressing to the fourth density with the next harvest (2012) and how many of 'us' will have to repeat the third density.

There are well over 50 examples of the same ideas and contexts between the original author (L/L Research) and Hidden_Hand. L/L Research dates back to the 1981 timeframe, thereby leading me to believe that they are the original author. Again please note that the definition of plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. Therefore, if Hidden_Hands is not with L/L Research he is clearly plagiarising their ideas and thoughts.

Sources [for numbered examples]:


ATS: Even Lucifer had to step in to help me. That was a surprise as you can understand.

Does your left hand dont know what the right hand teach. Or is it lack of understanding in certain members in your bloodline.

HH: Indeed, I understand, occasionally drastic intervention is required. As I said, they do not know everything, somethings are best kept to ourselves. Temptation can prove too great, when certain Powers lay in the hands of those who's Heart is not utterly Pure of intention. Let us just say, that some seem to enjoy the game a little TOO much, from time to time.

Their actions were more from ignorance, than malicious intent toward you. Please forgive them, as they knew not what they were doing, but thought it the right thing.

Ok, I've just finished reading the last few pages of questions, I stated now on a few occasions that I have no time left to answer, but I was asked earlier a question that I said I'd finish with, namely that of "if there was a question you had not yet been asked yet, would you consider this it being asked", or words to that effect.

So there is one other question from the last pages that I will use in that vein.

This will really have to be it though. I am truly sorry I cannot reply to the many other heartfelt responses that sadly must remain unanswered. We must be leaving for an important task in Rome, and already I have others here with me imploring me "will you please just shut down that flipping computer and get your things together". They are laughing at how 'involved' I have become in this task of mine. My Father is teasing that I should begin at early 6th Density again to balance my compassion. Anyway, I must finish:

ATS: This has been very informative, and has cleared up much for me. Thanks once again, Hidden_Hand. My take on this is much different even from what it was the last time I posted in this thread. So, hopefully these questions will be a little more relevant...

1) I am curious as to how the bloodline family structure works. You said there are people who are part of your "extended family" that we may know of. So are these the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush, House of Windsor, etc. (typically known in conspiracy circles as the New World Order?). How close is your interaction with your "extended family" and are they as spiritually enlightened as you seem to be? Can you just kind of give us an outline of how the family is structured, how much each level knows in relation to the top, etc.? Because there are a lot of theories and "know-it-alls" out there, and it would be nice to get it straight once and for all. Be as detailed as you feel is appropriate.

HH: Ok, and this will have to be a really brief overview, as my time is up.

Starting at the bottom level, you have what we call "Local Cell Groups" or "Family Clusters". There will be anything from say five to thirty or so of these, depending upon the size of the town or city in question. Each Local area has it's own Council, comprised of Local Leaders representing the Six Disciplines of learning. There is also either a High Priest or High Priestess of The Order, who Serves their local community.

Above this, you have the Regional Council, with the Leader of each Local Council representing their specific areas. Then the National Council, in the same vein, with the Leaders of the Regional Councils sitting to represent their Regions.

Then you have the Supreme World Council above them all, with the National Leaders representing their Countries. Above this, is another group I cannot mention, who liaise with the "Hidden Hands".

Then above this, there are many other levels of Leadership, purely from the Power Lines (the ones that are not of this planet). The Supreme World Council, only know as much as is "Handed" down to them from us.

In our Power Lines, we have a similar structure, with Local and Regional groups etc, though most of us are living in entirely 'different' types of communities than you would understand. All I shall say is that we are not "surface dwellers".

ATS: ...also, do people ever try to leave the family? I asked you to comment on the case of one "Svali" in an earlier post. I am still curious if she was one of you or your extended family, or is she just a mis/disinfo agent.

HH: I am aware of her, yes. I've not looked at her supposed "revelations" personally, though heard enough from others in my Family. Yes, she was a part of the Family, at the lower levels, from the German Lines I believe. As I understand, she did reveal a lot of truth about the lower levels, but she was only Regional Level in the Earth Lines, so not that high. She certainly would not have had anything like the "bigger picture". I understand that she went into detail about some of the training techniques in the lower levels, which to be fair, can be extremely harsh, though as I've said, it's all about reaching the 95% Negativity, and when all is said and done, no matter how much one may have suffered in this life-experience, we can never lose sight of the fact that this is a Game we are all playing here together, and each incarnating Soul has already chosen and agreed in advance the parts they will play in the Game. No one really suffers, except in the Game, and ultimately, they have chosen these experiences before hand, at a Soul level. No one is 'forced' to incarnate into a storyline they do not want to play and learn from.

The German House is renowned for being particularly harsh and severe in it's training, so much of what she shares may have happened, though my Family have also said that unless her "trainers" were acting "out of protocol" (abusing their power) much of what she 'revealed' would not have happened, or has been embellished to some degree, for whatever reason. I cannot comment myself, as I've had neither the time or inclination to examine her story. The world of my own Family is very different from that of the lower Earth based bloodlines. Whilst our (my own) training growing up was very strict and disciplined, we were never abused in any way. We grew up with the bigger picture, and didn't need any other motivation.

The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture. They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to 'rule the world', to Control and Enslave, and create as much Suffering and Negativity as is humanly possible. That's what they 'get out of the deal'. World Domination. You'd have to say with that in mind, they're doing a great job. But one of the things they don't know or understand, is that our (Venusian Power Lines) agenda, is ultimately for the Highest Good of all concerned, in providing you with the Catalyst. If they were aware of this Truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95% Negative Harvest. They are aware of the Harvest, and the need for them to attain the 95%, to get out of 3rd Density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims.

How they go about it, is not really of too great a concern to us, as long as they are getting the job done. Sometimes we have to step in, where something they may do or plan goes against our desires, but such instances are few and far between.
And with that, I absolutely have to finish my time here with you. If I leave it any longer, I am going to be late for my journey, and I will not be very popular if I make my Family late. It is a strange feeling I have now in my heart, as I write these last few lines. I never could have imagined I would have 'connected' with you all in this way through this discourse. It was never the original intention, just to put out the information required of me. But somewhere along this journey we have taken together, I have come to feel a certain 'bond' with you. Of course, I know that bond is our inherent Unity in our One Infinite Creator, though, to have kind of 'met' and connected personally with so many of you, has left me feeling somewhat saddened that our time has to come to end. But come to an end it must.

I thank you sincerely for your gracious hospitality, and for allowing us to 'use' your 'space' here, for the furthering of our message. And remember, no matter the ideologies that may separate us in this Game, the message is all that matters, and the message is, that in the Love, and the Light of our Infinite Creator, we are All One. Brother's and Sisters of the Light.

We wish you all the very best in what remains of your journeys here, and sincerely hope for you that you will use the Catalyst we have offered you, to in some way help you to Graduate with a glorious and Positive Great Harvest.

Me on the other hand, I'm going to have to go and do some REALLY Negative things now to make up for all this Positivity. Kind of amusing, in an ironic way.

I look forward to meeting up with so many of you when the Game is over, and enjoying reminiscing about this time, and the parts we have all played in this Great Game.

We leave you all in the Love, and the Light of our One Infinite Creator.
